Christmas break is over and finals are upon us.
Most students will be taking their final exams for their first semester classes this week and are rushing to fit in as much studying time as possible.
From blookets, kahoots, study guides, and more, resources are seemingly unlimited for students to prepare themselves.
These finals can mean a lot for students trying to preserve or even save their grades as a last-minute effort to boost them.
Final exams at NUHS are a longer test that consists of all the content reviewed during the semester. Students are given an hour and a half for each exam in each class so the students do not feel rushed to finish. On the first day of finals (Wednesday, January 10), students will complete their first, second, and third-hour finals. The next day they will complete their fifth, sixth, and seventh-hour exams.
For most classes, the final exam grade will be the last score posted on the final semester grade. This could mean these finals are make or break for some students.