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Mini mouse doors galore

Small custom made doors have begun to appear around NUHS
The art cabinet usually features highlighted content from several art classes. Currently, it features something curious from Pottery and Sculpture.
The art cabinet usually features highlighted content from several art classes. Currently, it features something curious from Pottery and Sculpture.

Sitting in class, waiting for the bell to ring, senior Lincoln Hoffmann looks around the room, takes a deep breath, and prepares for the hour ahead. As he does, he notices “little weird statues” sitting on the front table of Mr. Engeldinger’s classroom.

These “little weird statues” are known as mouse doors. Pottery and Sculpture, an art class taught by Ms. Page, is the place of origin for these doors. They have been constructed “carefully and painstakingly” in order to capture the personalities and interests of the teachers that they were designed for, said Jaden Jay.

A mouse door created by Jaden Jay for Mr. Van Leeuwe’s room.

Shortly after the doors were spotted, a new piece was added to the display case outside of the art room. Some of the doors appear next to a piece of paper that reads “Can you find the ‘Mouse Doors’ that are hidden around school in the classrooms? The pottery/sculpture classes created their own mouse doors related to a class or teacher. This project was based on Minneapolis street artist Mows510”.

The goal of the mouse doors is to “force students to pick a subject or teacher of interest so that they can create a new project that focuses on their creativity,” said Ms. Page. “Each student picks a teacher to base their project on and each teacher hides the doors in their classroom” she added.

A set of three individualized mouse doors found in Mr. Nessler’s room.

Various mouse doors can be found all around the school. From teachers’ rooms to the media center and even the counseling office. So, if the spirit moves you, go ahead and try to find as many of these personalized figures as you can!





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