On Friday, Oct. 13, a small group of students was invited to a field trip to Ridgewater College in Wilmar. Various students from Mrs. Lewandowski’s classes went on an hour-and-a-half trip to learn about the College experience and the opportunities it opens. Apart from a questionably high-priced lunch and an Xbox setup in the cafeteria, it was all as expected. That is until the visit was over.
As the tour came to a close, Mrs. Lewandowski noticed they finished a bit earlier than expected. Instead of waiting in the bus or heading back early, Lewandowski recalled someone telling her of a free historical train exhibit close by. After showing up, it was revealed admission was five dollars per person, but the man running the place allowed the group on the train free of charge.

The Students saw the control room and its many controls and got to keep a high-quality map. After all was said and done, they ran through the rain once more to take the bus back to New Ulm.
“The trip to Ridgewater College was a success.” Lewandowski said, “The visit helped students get an idea of what life, in the future, could be like for them. It was great to see all the smiles at the train museum!” Even the ride back had a few turns of its own, but thankfully, the group made it back to NUHS soon after, with about ten minutes to spare before the final bell.