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Not so easy after all

Girls on the volleyball team carried teams to undefeated records in volleyball intramurals
Not so easy after all

There may have been more tears than smiles, the eighth seed isn’t the first seed, and losing to school rivals is not a fun time, but should the volleyball team be judged for their season?

Volleyball intramurals started on Monday, November 6, and went to Wednesday, November 8. Some teams did a little too much yapping. A few teams were confident coming in and went out with zero wins.

On the other hand, two teams stayed quiet, and players on the volleyball team led both of those teams. Those teams ended the week 6-0 and faced off at the pep fest on Friday the 10th.

Senior volleyball player Afton Hulke had this to say about the negative comments the volleyball team heard: “Don’t hate the players hate the game.”

The volleyball team did not have an easy task this year. They had to adjust to losing seniors who had significant roles last year, and they had to deal with senior setter Amber Lee getting injured early in the season, only being able to come back for a small portion of the backstretch of the season.

Senior volleyball player Amber Lee, when asked if she thinks the volleyball team is worthy of any hate towards them this season compared to the past, said, “I think the record speaks for itself.”

The Eagles volleyball team ended this season 11-10, reaching a winning season but losing out to the first-seed Marshall Tigers. There were many close games where they also lost, so the record only partially reflects how the season went.

Whether you think the volleyball team was good this year, everyone should understand that you shouldn’t say something if you cannot do it yourself. It shouldn’t always be about the wins and losses; there is way more to sports.

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