Ditties & Desserts Preparation

Ditties and Desserts is still a couple months away. However, students are already beginning to prepare for the event. The current date for Ditties is April 1st and 2nd, but Mrs. Horning would like to hear all the acts by Feb. 28th to make sure everything will be polished and ready.

For those who do not know, Ditties and Desserts is a music booster fundraiser in which our students are able to showcase their musical talent. The students have already signed their names on a list with an idea of what they are thinking to do, but by the end of the month, they’re to have a very well-structured idea of their act and it has to be in the practicing stage. We are very fortunate to be able to host the event in the brand new auditorium this year instead of renting the Event Center. Practice has already begun to perfect the student’s song choice. Chi Gracia told us what he was doing to prepare and said, “I am trying my best to get together with my groups to practice. Right now I am just working harder on my solo.”