Jammed Lockers


It isn’t uncommon for New Ulm High School students to open their lockers without doing their combinations. At the old High School, students would kick their locker in order to bypass the combination. More recently, with the installation of new lockers and the transition to the new High School, students have used pennies, pencil clips, wads of paper, and other small objects to jam their lockers open.

The reasons for jamming lockers are understandable. Students who prop their lockers open don’t have to remember their combinations and save time between periods. Brody Zuhlsdorf, a senior, admitted that he jams his locker open. “I don’t really have anything in there that I would miss if it got stolen,” Zuhlsdorf said.

On Friday, January 13th, High School administration added a notice to the daily announcements. It said, “LOCKERS: The custodians have been removing objects that have been placed in the locker door to prevent it from locking. A student that has been found placing object in their locker to wedge the door will be financially responsible for the repair/damage done to the locker. The district will not be responsible for any stolen objects out of a locker that has been wedged open.”

We went to Assistant Principal Troy Guentzel for more information about the announcement. Mr. Guentzel explained that there are nearly 30 lockers that have been damaged due to pencil clips being wedged in the locking mechanism. The custodial staff has been able to correct most of these problems, but some lockers have experienced permanent damage from the incidents. “It’s been pretty brutal, actually, some of the damage that they have caused,” Mr. Guentzel said.

Principal Guentzel expressed understanding of the reasons for propping lockers, but added that students have plenty of time to do their combinations, considering that the passing time has been extended to 5 minutes.

The administration also has concerns about theft. Most lockers contain District 88 property, like textbooks. Textbooks are expensive and susceptible to theft if they are held in propped lockers.

Lockers are a privilege that the school gives to all students. It is our responsibility to respect our lockers, school property, and the property of our classmates.