Minnesota Zoo gets a taste of New Ulm

New Ulm German Students Take a Trip to the Zoo

Josh Liebl
Tired cheetah sleeping the day away!

The middle of the year drag is in full swing; students are tired, the workload is overwhelming, and the weather is not the best. So Mr. E did some looking, and he came up with a solution: Why don’t we go to the zoo?! The Minnesota Zoo offers world language days throughout the year, and the students were excited to hear that theirs was in February. German 1 and 2 students took a day trip to the Minnesota Zoo on Feb. 5, 2020.

The students left at 7 am heading to Apple Valley ready to see some animals. The doors opened at 9 am welcoming everyone in. Once there, they received passports to be stamped at each of the different stations that were set up. Mr. E  (Herr E according to his German students) let the students roam the zoo to explore the activities. I asked Joey Gag what he liked the best. “My favorite part was the bird show where they introduced the birds in German.”  Overall the students enjoyed it.

Herr E plans on doing this trip every other year with his German students. However, according to the Minnesota Zoo webpage, there are other language days that they offer such as Spanish, French and Sign Language. Many of the students would recommend taking this trip in the future. Senior Sarah Runck “would recommend going because it was a great learning opportunity and really fun!”