Mrs. Thursby


Mrs. Thursby is one of our new teachers this year. She and her husband have two boys, Cartar and Dillion. Mrs. Thursby has resided in Grand Rapids, Owatonna, and most recently, Mankato. She has taught American Literature, Reading and English classes in the past. Her current classes are American Literature, English 10, and Theater. Before teaching here at New Ulm High School, Mrs. Thursby taught in a number of other places, including a juvenile facility called Masbi Academy in Northern Minnesota; at the school in Medford; and at John Marshell in Rochester. She has coached softball, speech and even dance teams. Mrs. Thursby doesn’t believe there are really any major academic differences in the students at different schools. “Students are the same everywhere. Some are always more organized and get work done, and there’s always the others that slack off or don’t have much motivation.”

However, one place significantly different than the others was the juvenile facility. Teachers there were required to have a radio on them at all times in case they needed to call for help if any students got physical with each other or the teachers. They didn’t practice lockdown drills or active shooter precautions because it was a continuously locked down facility. In order to enter the building each day she had to stand where a camera could see her face and confirm she was who she was saying she is. Then inside they took her personal keys and gave her keys specifically for the building. The teachers also had to be aware and learn how to keep all their students safe in the case of violence. Mrs. Thursby has enjoyed teaching everywhere and she is very happy to be teaching at our high school.