What is Advanced Pottery?

We looked at the advanced pottery class and witnessed what they are learning.


One of two advanced classes the art department offers, Advanced Pottery is designed to help the eleven students understand and find their own “Style” while improving and experiencing more advanced glazing, throwing, and hand building techniques.

“Advanced Pottery finds a way to test yourself,” said Adabelle Wright. “My interest from pottery came from my uncle and growing up watching him. Advanced pottery class is different from most courses with us having the freedom to discover a project we want to do then sketch and build it. Our teacher, Mrs. Gusso, gives us creative freedom do unique projects and makes sure we get it done while teaching us more advanced skills,” Wright added.

“Advanced Pottery helps me improve my creativity and artwork,” said Caitlyn Smith. “We get to be ourselves and create what we envision in our hands. This class lets us be creative and make projects based on our style. I have learned to be more creative with my pieces and add my own twist to them. I also learned to not use only images on the internet, but get creative,” she added.  Caitlyn is getting better at making things more realistic and smooth. Caitlyn is excited about the cultural piece. She can´t wait to show her background and learn from others by their pieces. Caitlyn loves making things and being relative, so it was perfect.

Advanced Pottery provides student to release their creativity on to clay. Mrs. Gusso allows the students to really focus on their interests and gives them artistic freedom as long as it fits in the project outline. Students are allowed to take their time and improve their artwork to the best of their ability. Many students said that if they could take a class again it would be Advanced Pottery. They enjoyed the teacher and the environment of the classroom. They were allowed to ask for help and the teacher was always there to help.