Early Bird Classes


Beginning this year, zero hour classes, or “early birds,” have been introduced. There are several that will be offered throughout the school year, including Weightlifting and Psychology. This semester, a college Public Speaking course is being taught by Mr. Van Leeuwe. It is a three credit class that meets three to four mornings a week, starting at 7 am and ending at 7:55. There are currently twenty-one students in the class.

During an interview, Van Leeuwe explained that while students do deliver speeches, the class also focuses on the theory and writing of speeches. It also helps students cope with glossophobia, or a fear of public speaking. When asked how he likes the scheduling of the classes, Van Leeuwe stated that it “gives more flexibility to the students and the early start seems to work well for the subject.” When commenting on his students, he said “they’re more awake than I thought they’d be.”