Looking Back on the Battle

Battle of the Class 2016

The Eagle Staff

Battle of the Classes 2016 was a huge success as always. This year’s Senior class won by eleven points, the biggest margin ever.

Cooper Yackley eyeing up a serve while the Freshman class looks on.
Hilly eyeing up a serve while the freshman class looks on. Pictured: Jordan ( Hilly) Hillesheim
Pretty intense arm wrestling action!
Pretty intense arm wrestling action! Pictured: Mackenzie Depew, Kaleb Ibberson, and Katrina Vogel
Pie eating The BOTC way!
Pie eating The BOTC way! Pictured: Sabrina Martin and Tyler Guggisberg
Tasty event for sure!
Tasty event for sure! Pictured: Sicily Trullinger and JJ Hillesheim
Cube champ
Cube champ Spence! Pictured: Jaden Spence
Sweet Hooping!
Sweet Hooping! Pictured: Nick Schultz and Brianna Johnson
Looking good!
Enjoying the Battle! Pictured: Ethan Braulick and Brady Asmus
Just add beans!
Just add beans! Pictured: Carson Reed and Hunter Kral