I Can. I will.
“I can. I will,” was the theme for the 2017 FFA National Convention. 14 FFA members from the New Ulm chapter piled on a bus with 28 other members from Blue Earth, Sibley East, and Belle Plaine to head down to Indianapolis for the 90th annual FFA National Convention. Here students will explore the career show, attend general sessions, compete in Career Development events, and take in multiple leadership workshops.
An FFA National Convention consists of nine general sessions that include guest speakers, award ceremonies, talent competitions and degree ceremonies. The first session included guest speaker Laila Ali who spoke about her personal experiences to help encourage thousands of students listening to her. Throughout the sessions, you would also hear from motivational speakers such as Mick Ebeling and Jon Petz. Throughout the sessions, the National FFA band and chorus will perform songs that have been quickly rehearsed for one week before the conventions.
Many students in the FFA compete in Career Development events. Students can compete in competitions from crop judging, livestock judging, fish and wildlife, farm business management, and many many more. Members compete in these competitions at a regional level and from there they can advance to state competitions. The top three teams at the state level will get the chance to compete at the National Convention; these members will compete to see who the top teams in the nation are.
Students also attend multiple leadership workshops with different subjects ranging from Ag education to industry advocation. During the conventions, students can visit the vast career expo with multiple companies recruiting students for the industry and promoting the products and services. Alongside the career show colleges from across the country come to showcase their programs and recruit students.
Over 65,000 FFA member from across the Nation attended the 90th annual FFA National Convention competing, taking in workshops, or taking in sessions. New Ulm FFA member Zach Hoffman said: “The FFA convention was a one of a kind leadership experience.” The National FFA Convention is a unique experience for all members across the nation.