Broke but still Crushing
We’re all “young dumb and broke” but we still want to go out and have fun. Everyone goes on a date at least once in their life but sometimes you don’t have a ton of money or don’t want to spend very much money.
But what is a date? I asked Galaxy Parker what she considered a date to be and she said “When you’re sitting face to face and ask serious questions about each other. When there’s laughter and happiness and you have a gut feeling you like each other, maybe if there was hugging and hand holding, nothing too serious.”
I asked my mom, Jill Fischer, what dates were like when she was my age and she said ” we just drove up and down broadway”. Gas was probably much cheaper then and the cars were probably cooler than the ones we have now. I also asked her if they went out to eat and she said not really and that she and her friends just hung out.
What is actually considered a date? It is considered a date when it is planned ahead of time and both parties are aware. A date would be doing something with a potential romantic partner. Just hanging out would be doing something with a platonic friend.
There are some signs that could signal that you are on a date. If the day, time and activity is planned out. If you and your date both ask somewhat personal questions and you each take turns talking and not just talking about yourself, include each other in conversations. It is also considered a date if you each make eye contact. If you are out with anyone whether it’s a date or not it is nice when you put your phone away.
What are some cheap date ideas around New Ulm or a town close by? You and your significant other could go to a cheap movie or rent a movie from Redbox, Family Video, watch a movie either of you have at home, or watch Netflix. If you wanted to go see a movie, a good cheap movie, with a good atmosphere, you could visit CineGrand. CineGrand is located in downtown Mankato and movie tickets are only $3.25 and they have comfy reclining seats!
Another cheap date you could go on can include animals. You could go to PetExpo or any animal store in Mankato, Sibley Park also located in Mankato or volunteer at an animal shelter near you and give the animals, without homes, some attention. Sibley Park is like a free petting zoo. Each animal date option is free unless you buy or adopt an animal. You could also go fishing anywhere there is an open body of water.

PetExpo Chinchillas

PetExpo Guinea Pigs
Do you ever get hungry while on a date but neither of you have a lot of money? If yes, these cheap dates are perfect for you! You could go to half price apps at Applebees or to late night bites at Perkins. You could also order cheap at any restaurant. If you’re craving something sweet in New Ulm you can get icecream at the Cashwise Deli or Happy Joes for under a dollar per person.
Maybe you are an outdoorsy person and want to do something outside. Any0ne could go for a walk on the trails or rollerblade, bike, skateboard, or even bring a pet, but it would be better with a significant other. It is beautiful outside and there is so much scenery to see. You could go on the Flandrau hiking trails if you want to go more into nature. Mankato has trails too and the falls at Minneopa State Park are fun to see plus a day parking pass is only seven dollars.
If it the snow is falling and you don’t want to be cozied up next to a fire watching movies you could go out in the cold white fluff. Starting November 24th, 2017 Kiwanis Lights in Sibley Park in Mankato will be open. At the Lights you can either drive through or walk through for free but donations are greatly accepted. You could donate money or a food shelf item. You can have a snowball fight, make snow angels or snow forts. Go sledding or Ice skating. You can go sledding down Hermann hill or skate at Harman Park when the ice is ready.
If I went on a cheap date with somebody I would want to get cheap ice cream at Cashwise because I personally think it tastes the best for being under a dollar. I would also want to go to Mankato to see the Sibley park animals or to Pet expo because at these two places it is free and you can actually have contact with the animals. I think a date is when two people are aware, a time and date are selected and you do something together whether it is a double date or just you and a significant other.

Cheap Ice cream for under a dollar