The New Ulm High School’s crew started building the background for the theater’s new play, Romeo and Juliet, which will be performed on April 4. The meetings will be held every Wednesday and Saturday in the New Ulm High School theater where students will paint and build the stage’s background and theatrical objects.

Technical expert Datoka is happy to help the students carry out this project, advising on the creation of scaffolding and scenographic objects. He also invites all the interested students to participate. “The more, the merrier,” he said.
This project makes the new play possible and the amazing crew is made up of a group of hard-working students who are willing to help and who want to test themselves by carrying out this project with their own hands. “It is a good way to challenge themself, ” crew member Vanessa Hauser said.
This project is also eco-sustainable. “We use all recyclable material,” crew member Alyson Leslie said. All the products you will see on stage are created with materials already used and then reprinted or reassembled to make them more suitable for the show.