Waves of blue T-shirts could be seen crashing through the hallways of NUHS Nov. 21 as cast members hyped themselves and the student body for opening night of this year’s school production – The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical.
Musical director and English teacher Carissa Cowles, in her fourth year at NUHS, brought the tradition of wearing hand-crafted t-shirts with her from her previous school in Iowa.

“We wear them on the day of our opening night,” Director Cowles said. “I usually just find the design on a google search and then remake it myself on canva.”
“The seniors always have a big input on the design,” Cowles said. “I run it by them and ask if it looks good, do you like it, we good?”
Once the design is finalized, Cowles sends it to Printwear Graphics in New Ulm for printing. They had about 45 shirts made this year and the Fine Arts Booster covers it so that students only have to pay $10.