A moment of silence passes as adrenaline rushes through the veins of a student at NUHS who is just one call away from winning big. G-58… G-58. Bingo! The student shouts and gobbles as they sprint down the hallways in their ugly, festive sweater to receive a grand prize supplied by the student council. Hundreds of prizes are laid out on a table to choose from. The student shouts their name into the intercom and gives their best gobble in a moment they’ll never forget.
On Nov. 26, the annual game of turkey bingo will take place at NUHS. The rules are quite simple. It’s just like any other ordinary game of bingo but with a Thanksgiving twist to it.
Something everyone looks forward to is the corny jokes told every so often throughout the games. “We come up with some of our jokes, but also look some up for inspiration,” Senior Student Council President Cullen Slette said.
The motivation and drive behind the game is the display and selection of prizes, however. This year, there will be playing for more than just bragging rights. “We have a lot of candy, some practical things like phone chargers, ice scrapers, basil, and more,” Slette said.

The only way of claiming such a prize is by gobbling on your way down to the cafeteria. By wearing an ugly sweater, you will be granted an additional bingo card, doubling your chances of winning.
Although there isn’t much of a connection between Thanksgiving and bingo, it’s a great way to send off the students into a five-day break with a little festivity. “We do turkey bingo for the sake of tradition and having fun,” Student Council Advisor Mr. Nelson said.
Turkey bingo is a fun way to cap off the holiday at the end of the school day. “It’s a tradition that started before I worked here, which is ancient time,” Nelson said jokingly. It’s safe to say the tradition won’t be ending anytime soon with the joy and excitement it brings to the school.