Last year’s 2nd place finish at regions and 7th at state, where the team won three gold and one silver, is proving to be a tough act to follow for this year’s Fish and Wildlife team.
A 6th place finish at regions recently means making it to state this year will be a struggle. “I feel like the test was more specific than the general questions from last year,” senior Spencer Drill said. “I also feel like we didn’t prepare as good as last year.”
The FFA Fish and Wildlife Career Development Event (CDE) is a contest within the contest. The members have to take tests of native Minnesota reptiles and amphibians, fish, mammals, birds and insects. There are two tests: a 50-question test about animals and a 15-question test about the year’s current issues of animals. Before they compete they go against each other through their own tests to make one of the five varsity spots.

The advisor, Mr. Nelson, has been helping out for 20+ years. Looking toward the future, he said, “We have an older crew, so we need to look at the replacements for the next year and do more for test taking about the animals and be dead on with the specimens.”
He also said the goal “for the next two years is to try and be on the stage and be top five as a team.”