The hole in one senior Cullen Slette had on a Lifetime Activities disc golf outing in October was kind of a big deal.
Slette, Class President and a standout on the state champion knowledge bowl team, is not exactly famous for his sick frolfing skills. But that 6th hole at the MLC Frolf course was all his.
Having finished hole 5 in pretty typical fashion – with a double bogie and managing to somehow hit the smallest tree on the course – Slette teed off on the 6th hole a completely different animal.

“I knew once the disc left my hand it was on a good line. I threw Jaxon Buegler’s disk backhand, and it started off right, then started to curve left, and all I heard was the chains. My heart dropped for a second, and then me and my friends ran to the basket screaming. And it was the high of my week,” Slette said.
And so things can sometimes go in the wonderful wacky world of disc golf.
Combine frisbee and golf and you get frolf, an activity that is for anyone. The game can be very cheap and you can play as long as there is no snow on the ground. New Ulm itself has three courses, and there are some 413 courses in Minnesota. Courses can have 9, 18 and even 27 holes. The object of the game is simple: throw a disc into a distant chain basket in as few attempts as possible.
Frolfing is just one of the many things that Lifetime Activities class has to offer. Students take about two weeks for each skill they learn before moving on to the next activity. Activities covered so far include tennis, ultimate frisbee, various yard games, and the ever-so-popular disc golf.