Movie Comparison: It 2017 and It 1990
Simple red balloons are terrifying locals with the new release of IT, a movie based off of the book by Stephen King
On September 8th, 2017 the remake of Stephen King’s It was released. The original version was released on November 18, 1990. The two movies have the same plot, but they are being greatly compared. To create our own comparison we sent out two reporters. Ronald Ritzer was sent to see the new version of It, while Josiah Peterson was watched the 1990 version. Both reporters have only seen one version of the movie, which adds a slightly more interesting perspective to the comparison, as neither of them can like one version more than the other.
The reporters, after watching their version of the movie It, were asked a series of questions. The questions stated first with the answers following in italics.
Ronald Ritzer on the remake:
How did the horror/graphic imagery aspect of the movie affect you?
“It really drives in the terror because the fears of the kids are like the fears you would have had at that age,” Ronald said, “which makes that fear flood back to you throughout the movie.”
For most horror movies, the plot gets lost to the thrilling scares/graphic imagery. Did you find that this happened in the movie?
“No, if anything the scares are necessary to keep the story in motion, or else the movie would have no real plot. The scares add more courage to the kids so they can fight It and face their fears.”
Would you watch the movie again?
“Heck yeah, I loved it. I’m buying it on DVD when it comes out.” Clearly he was a big fan of the movie.
Josiah Peterson on the original:
How did the horror/graphic imagery aspect of the movie affect you?
“It was good for the time, it obviously would not scare anybody in this generation.” Josiah said “It was made in the 1990s, back then it was scary, but now there are other movies that are scarier.”
For most horror movies, the plot gets lost to the thrilling/graphic imagery. Did you find that this happened in the movie?
“No, I think the plot stays intact for the whole story, especially for the main protagonists, never really getting over the fear of the clown killer hunting them down maliciously.”
Would you watch the movie again?
“Yes, I would definitely see the movie multiple more times.”
Oddly enough even though Ronald and Josiah saw different versions of the same movie, their answers to the questions were very similar. It appears that time has not change the story, only the graphics which accompanied the movies. Both of the movies were able to tell the story in a conveying matter during the times in which they were made.