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Senior Spotlight

It’s time to learn about one of our NUHS Seniors and their plans after graduation.
Senior Spotlight

In the class of 2024, there are 163 seniors, but we will only focus on one senior. That senior is Malorie Anderson, who also goes by Mal. Malorie is an adventurous, considerate, and friendly person. You will always see Malorie light up a room with her infectious smile and laugh.

Next fall, Malorie will stay in state and attend Concordia College in Moorhead where she plans on majoring in Biology with an Environmental Emphasis and an Environmental Science minor. Malorie’s dream job is to be a Wildlife Biologist at a National Park in the future. A big part of Malorie’s life has been dedicated to playing sports. Throughout high school, she played volleyball and hockey. She has been skating since she was two and started playing hockey when she was just four years old. When Malorie isn’t focusing on school you will find her working out in the gym or on the ice playing hockey for the Division Three Cobbers.

One of Malorie’s pet peeves is people walking slowly in the hallways and she says this is something she will not miss from high school.

Malorie is eagerly looking forward to spreading her wings and beginning a new chapter in her life but says she is also a little sad to grow up and leave the Eagle’s nest. There is comfort in knowing that your parents, family, and friends are near when you need them, and she says now she has to grow up and make adult decisions on her own.

Some of Malorie’s favorite high school memories include four-square after volleyball games, senior homecoming, the boy’s state hockey tournament, and senior prom. Her friends are very important to her and she will miss them, but she is excited to meet and make new friends in college.

Malorie’s advice to the underclassmen is to always be kind, talk to everyone, live life in the moment, and have fun. Mal practices her advice daily by being friendly and kind to everyone she is around and

she makes sure people are comfortable and happy in her presence. Malorie not only practices what she preaches, but she has fun doing whatever is in her path.


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