“Jenna!!!” Senior Jaida Fromm yells down the long hallway. “Jaida!!” Senior Jenna Jay yells back at her. The two walk over to each other and embrace in a warm hug. Junior Bryce Braulick walks around the corner, smiling, and the three hug. To anyone passing by, it seems like the friendship we all wish we had, and to anyone who knows the trio, it is the friendship we envy.
When Senior Jenna Jay met Senior Jaida Fromm, it was an instant click, and when the pair joined up with Junior Bryce Braulick it was friends meant to be. From loud shouts in the hall to embracing each other in gym class, the friendship started to flourish. To everyone around them, it was the troublemaking trio. It wasn’t just the students who noticed the trio’s relationship, the teachers and staff members began to take note of it as well. “It’s really exciting to see how all three really do love each other and bring each other gifts and they really do care about each other,” Amanda Bellefeuille, a para who works with the trio, said.

“Class is never boring and is always exciting, it’s really nice to see the three all together,” Brooke Berg, another para who works closely with the trio, said. Apart from each other, each student is incredibly sweet and can be seen smiling, tickling, or hugging other classmates. “They are all so sweet and kind,” Berg said.
Every morning the friends can be seen embracing in hugs before they make their way to their usual classes. In their classes, they can be seen joking around and poking fun at one another. For Amanda Bellefeuille and Brooke Berg, this is an everyday laughing and joking phenomenon. They get to observe the three as they have grown in the past couple of years and have become friends. “We are truly blessed,” Berg said.
The Three plan on attending Prom together in late April and to anyone who knows them, they will be friends for many many years to come, beyond graduation and outlasting many high school relationships.