Students are learning all about double boiling, parchment paper, and how to prepare delicious desserts in Ms. Schneider’s class at NUHS. The delicious treats? Rice Crispy Hearts. After melting butter and adding rice crispy cereal, they spread the mixture out onto parchment paper and used a double boiler to melt chocolate until it was smooth. They carved out shapes with cute cookie cutters, dipped them in chocolate, and then put sprinkles on top.

Upon meeting with a group of students, they spoke well of Schneider and the course in general. “I love Ms. Schneider’s Basic Foods class, it really gives me great experience for my future!” senior Chase Seifert said. “I had no idea that this class could be this fun! I didn’t even know I liked to bake,” said Tyler Widmark when whipping out the heart shapes.

This lab requires a lot of teamwork, which is essential. Chase Seifert (also known as Bhase), Miranda Deters, Adam Wiltscheck, and Tyler Widmark made up their dedicated team. As Miranda Deters and Adam Wiltscheck mixed and dipped the rice crispy treats into the chocolate, they exclaimed, “I’m so excited to taste these treats.” The group worked well together and were eager to sample their creations.