Sixth-hour basic foods got to end this week in a fun and informative way with a hash brown food lab. This is not the class’s first food lab but it was the tastiest so far.
The class made these hash browns from scratch, from pealing the potatoes to grating them, adding onions, and frying them. This class was working hard in the kitchen, and learning new ways to cook when they are in the kitchen.
“Most kids when they make hash browns just grab a bag of frozen potatoes from the fridge,” said FACS teacher Ms. S. “This lab shows them how to utilize making it from scratch. A lot of kids don’t know that you need flour and eggs to make homemade hash browns, so this lab teaches them how to do all of these different methods when in the kitchen.”

Many of the students loved this new food lab, saying it was a nice mix of challenging with all the new techniques they learned, and straightforward with how few steps there were.
Students even made so many hash browns that they were able to give them to teachers around the school. All of these students have a deep fondness for this class and can’t wait to see what Ms. S has in store for the rest of the semester.
“This is a really good class,” freshman Sadie Revering said. “It was a really fun lab and a good way to meet new people in the class.”