A Day In The Life of Mr. Briggs
What’s a day like for a husband, father of two, teacher, and head baseball coach when there is a game you may ask? Well Mr. Kevin Briggs could tell you all about it!
The day starts by Briggs waking up around 5:30-6:00 a.m. and doing what he needs to get ready for the day. Next is to wake the kids and get them ready. Briggs then brings the kids to school, makes copies and looks over lesson plans for that day. Briggs’ school day consists of metals fabrications, wood shop, two classes of 9th grade science, chemistry, and his last hour he has prep.
He really enjoys having a 7th hour prep because it’s a nice way to rap up the school day and start to get mentally ready for the upcoming baseball game that night. Game time comes and Briggs has his game face on. Being the head coach brings a lot of pressure. Anything bad or good that happens on the field the media, fans, and parents look directly at you! When the game is over, Briggs reflects on what the team did well, but also what the team did not so well on. After that, he goes online to submit the score to the Minnesota State High School League. Next he contacts his B and C squad coaches to hear how other teams in the program did that night. After a long hard day Mr. Briggs like to go outside and fix up old equipment or go for a walk to take his mind off of the game of baseball for an hour or two. Night comes and Briggs lays in bed and looks on line for baseball articles to come up with new practice plans, coaching methods, or just baseball in general. He hits the lights by about 11 o clock and then it starts all over the next day! Briggs has a lot on his plate but I think if you would ask anyone he does great at all aspects of his life.