Day in the Life of a School Resource Officer

Dylan Stein

SRO Brehmer staging a ticketing of Brady Asmus

This is my day in the life story on Officer Brehmer. He will let you know what he does through out his day and what he enjoys about this job. Here is what he said he does through out his days as a school officer.

“So my duties include not only the High School, but also Middle School, Jefferson and Washington Learning Center. A large part of my day is connecting with students. I try to spend time in each building during lunch and recess. I also speak to classes about a wide range of topics. Some are Halloween safety, stranger danger and internet safety at Jefferson. At the Middle School I talk again about internet safety and how to survive on social media. We also speak about tobacco, alcohol and drug use at the Middle School. At the High School I talk to Social Studies classes about the Constitution and how it relates to law enforcement. I speak to Health classes about alcohol and drug use. This year has been busy training staff at New Ulm Public School to the new ALICE lockdown procedures. I coordinate the lockdown, fire and severe weather drills for the district. I have been involved in training staff at other schools in Brown County on ALICE.”

“I am also assist the Principals with student issues at each building. This could be an out of control student at a elementary school. In situations like this I am there to keep staff and students safe. I only step in if someone is in a dangerous situation. I let the Special Education Specialists do their job and get the student back on track. At the Middle School I assist with a lot of social medial, bullying issues. I also investigate any illegal activity that would occur in Middle School or High School.”
“I spend a lot of time in meetings. These could involve school safety, parking or other student issues. I have several meetings and discussions about child protection with other county agencies. I share information with officers from NUPD, Brown County Sheriffs Office and other local agencies. I also work with Brown County Human Services and Brown County Probation on student issues.”
“The best part of my job is not having a routine day. Most days I have no idea what I am going to be doing that day.”