New Ulm Club Honors Senior Athletes
Former Gopher’s AD Joel Maturi speaks to senior letter winners at the annual New Ulm Club banquet at Martin Luther College
On Saturday, April 7 the New Ulm Club honored senior athletes from New Ulm High School, New Ulm Cathedral, and Minnesota Valley Lutheran. The banquet was at Martin Luther College, and was catered by the school as well. Each student athlete was given a certificate signed by their schools AD, as well as the New Ulm Club president, Jeff Dittrich. Joel Maturi, former University of Minnesota athletic director spoke, and gave ten pieces of advice for the students to think about. To conclude the evening, six senior athletes, one boy and one girl from each school, were chosen as the Outstanding Senior Athlete. From New Ulm High School, Meleah Reinhart and Cooper Yackley were selected.