Day in the life of a Pop Figurine

History of Pop Figures-
Funko Pop was created in 1998 as a bobblehead company, and in 2005 it was sold to Brian Mariotti. They sell licensed pop culture toys for nostalgia purposes. Their slogan is “If it ain’t Funko, it ain’t fun”
7:45 A.M.-
Hello I’m product #4627, otherwise known as “A Funko Pop figurine.” I watch as the door is slid open, the decals on the shirts and other figurines shine as the door opens more. Today could be the day I’m chosen to leave my shelf and go toward the Great Beyond.
8:15 A.M.-
The lady working today is pretty boring compared to the usual people, blonde hair, red lips, wearing a Guardians of the Galaxy shirt, ripped black jeans, and a choker. I can’t wait for somebody to admire my many layers of vinyl.
9:00 A.M.-
I’m hyperventilating, people have started to come in. SO EXCITED 🙂
10:32 A.M.-
No, no, no. I think I passed out from excitement. Wait, why am I moved? No, somebody was looking at me and I wasn’t awake. God I’m such a screw up.
11:11 A.M.-
It’s 11:11. I should make a wish. “I wish for somebody to pick me.”
12:00 P.M.-
Somebody is really close and keeps looking at my neighbors,
;if he doesn’t pick me I really hope he picks one of them. Fox Mulder and Zoidberg are really nice to talk to when I’m bored.
12:04 P.M.-
So that guy left, he picked Zoidberg. He’ll be missed, but I know he’s going to a better place.
12:30 P.M.-
It’s been a really slow day, and I’m starting to lose hope.
1:45 P.M.-
I’m such a beautiful creation- why won’t somebody take me?
2:25 P.M.-
OH MY GOD, you won’t believe me. Somebody picked me up, I’m headed for the counter. I can’t believe it’s really happening.
2:26 P.M.-
No, he set me down- why would he do this? I don’t understand.
3:12 P.M.-
Wait, he’s back; maybe he’ll pick me up again
3:14 P.M.-
He did. He grabbed me. Maybe this time he’ll be nice and leave with me.
3:15 P.M.-
I’m gone suckers! Have fun sitting on those shelves and never moving!!!
4:00 P.M.-
It’s really dark in here. I can’t see anything. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen light. I’m kinda worried.
6:00 P.M.-
It’s still dark.
6:15 P.M.-
I think we’ve stopped. I don’t know where though.
6:30 P.M.-
He’s taking me out of the package, thank god. The fresh air feels amazing. I’ve only felt it once and that was a long time ago.
6:45 P.M.-
He keeps talking to this “thing” called sparky. I don’t know why. It’s really big and full of hair; it’s annoying and keeps slobbering.
6:47 P.M.-
OH GOD! I’m flying- this is wonderful.
6:48 P.M.-
Things didn’t get better, they only got worse. “Sparky” is biting me now, and it hurts bad. I can feel his teeth ripping my vinyl off me.
7:02 P.M.-
“Sparky” can’t find me. He threw me under the couch. I can’t move.
7:22 P.M.-
The darkness is back and I can’t see anything.
7:34 P.M.-
I guess I’ll wait for tomorrow to be better