JA Titan
Ms. Brandt and Ms. Ruch had an excellent field trip touring Fun.com and competing in the JA Titan Business Challenge. The students applied their business skills to compete in an online business simulation. The students had a product and were able to adjust price, production, marketing, capital investment, and R&D. Students Tyler Roufs, Brandon Seidl, and Taylor Savoy got 3rd out of 36 teams and received a $25 iTunes gift card. The team did not win a scholarship, like 1st and 2nd place did, but they will advance to state competition in May and have another opportunity to secure a scholarship. There were 10-12 other students that received $10-$15 gift card or a power bankĀ from day long giveaways. Towards the end of the day radio station hot 96.7 came to host a college game show. Stuntmonkey from the station was the host of the show and four students from the school competed against each other. New Ulm student Tyler Guggisberg came back from 3rd place to take home the win. He received a $10 Chipotle gift card and a power bank for his hard work.
Other students that placed in the top 15: