Eagle Enterprise In The Wood Shop
The woodshop is busy
March 16, 2023
The Eagle Enterprise team is made up of nine seniors. The business is community-driven by getting work from people throughout the community. Most jobs occur at the CTE Center but there are off-campus job sites as well.
This business runs from the first day of school to the last day seniors are at school. The reason why this business was made is to not only give back to the community but also to help students learn on the job in the real world. “The program can teach them more efficient and better ways to complete jobs,” Ms. Brandt said.
The business is called Eagle Enterprise. It is a student-run business that has been running for many years. The business has been very successful.
It is a great way for students to narrow down their future career paths seeing if they like the work they do during this program. “Working in the wood shop is not only fun but also rewarding to see a project get completed and be successful,” Senior Wesley Grob said. “ The business is student-run, but here in the woodshop we always have some interesting projects to complete.”
The future looks bright for Eagle Enterprise. There will always be projects to complete and businesses will need things built and replaced giving the program plenty of work for the future. Also, people throughout the community will need help with projects and renovations of parts of their homes.
The bean bag boards were bought by a teacher with money from the school in order for an art class to paint them. They will be sold at auction during the eagle extravaganza fundraiser where proceeds go to the school. They were delivered to the buyer in the Jefferson parking lot by the builder Aidan Wendinger.