Psyched for night psych
Students enrolled in night classes meet every Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. and are dismissed around 9 p.m.
October 25, 2022
New Ulm High School gives students the opportunity to sign up for classes after the school day has ended, like night psychology which has many benefits but leaves students with long Wednesday nights for an entire semester.

Throughout the class, students are given breaks to walk around and hang out in the upper commons. The students can also bring in beverages to drink throughout the night; many students opt for a classic iced coffee or a simple energy drink to keep them awake throughout the class.
Senior Kate Frauenholtz is one of the many students enrolled in night psych and was asked how she feels about the breaks they take during class. “I like them; they give my brain a good break while we learn about the brain,” said Frauenholtz.

Mr. Bute is the night psychology teacher this semester and has to teach this class again next semester due to the large sign-up for his class. “I like that the class has more of a college atmosphere; because we only meet once a week, the students have to sort of learn on their own. I get to see these students for a little over 3 hours so we can really get into a topic,” said Mr. Bute.
There are also some downsides to the class. Mr. Bute says that Wednesdays can become very long for him with being at school from 6:30 in the morning until around 10 at night.
Taking night classes at New Ulm High School has been an option for students since 2014 and is a fun way to get an open hour in your schedule during the day.