New Ulm Robotics, Team 3122
This year the robotics team placed 21st out of 60 teams at the Northern Lights regional in Duluth. The coach, Mr. Erickson had this to say about this year “I’m very proud of what you have accomplished and the work that you have put into this organization. This was the most successful builds to date for team 3122. And one of the most enjoyable seasons that I have been involved with. So thank you!”. The team currently has 19 members in the organization. 4 are seniors who we will all be sad to see go, 11 are juniors, 2 are sophomores, and 2 freshmen. In short, robotics is a big group of people who love to work together to try and complete challenges. FRC Team 3122 has been around since 2009 and has competed in a competition every year sense.
The season starts off when the FRC team releases its challenge video giving the challengers their game. Brainstorming then begins. All competitors must follow all rules and guidelines that they are given in the game manual. The teams then must plan every aspect of their robot, what its going to do and how its going to do it. Then the building begins, most everything must be built and put together before the 6 week build period ends. After the build season ends the robot must be bagged and put away until competition. Then its time to have some fun.
Mentors of the team consist of Mr. Erickson, Mr. Miller, Mr. Lindquist, and Mr. Todd. Mr. Erickson is a teacher at New Ulm Public and teaches math. Mr. Miller used to be a student at New Ulm Public and currently goes to college and still helps the team. Mr. Lindquist and Mr. Todd are both family members of present members of the team and help out a lot with building and fabricating materials. The organization has done multiple events with the public such as, A 4-H event for children, 5th-6th grade lego robotics, and an FTC team for 7th-8th graders. Team 3122 also has multiple sponsors in the community which include 3M, AMPI, Windings, New Ulm Precision Tool, Gag Sheet Metal, DLC, BusinessWare Solutions, and Bolton & Menk. You can look at the team and get to know them better at it has most information and where to find our social media. Jacob Todd, the President of robotics had this to say about the season “Of course we could have done better, but I think everyone’s happy with how we did.” The team wants to expand and get more people to join. If you are interested in joining talk to Mr. Erickson or one of the members.