FFA Green House


The new high school has its perks: a new football filed, eagle statues, a beautiful foyer, and most importantly a new green house. We interviewed Miss Brandt, a first year teacher at NUHS. Miss Brandt along with Mr. Nelson oversee the green house. They have also helped to raise funds for the green house by attending open houses and receiving donations. Last December they received a grant from the Minnesota Agricultural Educational Leadership council worth $1,200 for the green house.                                  

This is just a drop in the bucket for the green house; the total cost to build the green house will be $80,000.  Miss Brandt would still like to add a hydroponics and aquaponics systems to it. The students using the green house will have the opportunity to grow vegetables, ferns, flowers, and fruits. We asked Miss Brandt what the perfect green house would look like, and she said the green house, when it’s finished, will be the ideal green house.