What are the rules for Students and Teachers?


There were many new rules put in place this school year, but one has always been the same: absolutely no food during class. However, students have been noticing that some teachers have been eating during class. Students feel like the rules should be the same for everyone in the school, including teachers. Why should they get to eat during class? Some kids can not help it if they get hungry during class, but if the teachers see you eating you can get detention or even kicked out of class.

There are two sides to every story, like students get that teachers are busy, but they do have a lunch break. So why are they still eating in class?

Image result for blender bottleAnother new rule this year is having a clear water bottle in class for students. Teachers are allowed to have coffee, and water bottles that are not clear. Why can’t students have coffee in class or a pop? Some students can see where these rules are coming from, but some can’t. We do understand that some previous students have ruined it for us students now, but if a teacher suspects something, she can call the office or simply ask the student to empty the bottle and put new water in it. High school students, just like staff, love their sugary drinks in the mornings and throughout the day.

The students would like to know if there is a line to the rule of us having all these rules against food and drinks in class, but does that apply to teachers as well?

Some students can see where the teacher would want to eat in class, like maybe they had students in during their lunch hour taking a test or something, but they also have a prep hour and they can eat while the kids are taking the test; it isn’t that big of a deal. Some students see it as they should have to follow the same rules we as students do. They have a lunch hour and they have prep, so there’s no reason why they should be eating in class.

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