Seniors Brenna Barstad and Rebekah Friendshuh working on homework on their chromebooks in the upper commons (Paige Hoffmann)
Seniors Brenna Barstad and Rebekah Friendshuh working on homework on their chromebooks in the upper commons

Paige Hoffmann

A Look into the Chromebooks Effectiveness After One Semester

What do students think about the Chromebooks a semester in?

February 24, 2020

It’s a semester in of the first year of Chromebooks. How are the Chromebooks holding up and what do students think about them? This year, NUHS went one to one and each student received their own Chromebook. The Chromebooks have been a major addition to each student’s set of supplies. New Ulm High School staff and students are now able to get work done efficiently as each student has their own device at school and at home. But what do people think About the Chromebooks after a semester of using them?

Paige Hoffmann
Senior Brandon Ocampo using his Chromebook in class

Students at New Ulm high school seem to have similar thoughts on the Chromebooks. Senior Brenna Barstad says that “the Chromebooks are a nice and useful tool, but come with their issues. Batteries often die quickly and there have been a few times where it does not want to cooperate.” Other students have mentioned that they have had issues connecting to the internet when not at school or tests not saving on google.
Senior Rebekah Friendshuh says that “the Chromebooks are an awesome tool, but I wish they were less restricted and had the ability to print.”
Thankfully, when an issue does appear, there is help in the media center to solve the problem. Although there are a few issues, the Chromebooks offer features such as a place to store student’s work, a place to work on school, and a communication tool. 

Paige Hoffmann
Senior Leah Preisinger uses her Chromebook to work on homework out of school.

Overall the Chromebooks have been a welcomed addition to the school. This extra tool provides students with the advantage of having their own devices, allowing them to use it to work on school at any time and at any location. Although they do have their issues, the benefits definitely overrule them. Students at New Ulm High School now have the extra tool to help them succeed in school.

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