Friendly new faces in the front office

New office secretaries hoping to keep things running smoothly up front

Walking into school at the beginning of the year can be kind of nerve-wracking, but with the new friendly faces, you don’t have to worry. Jodi and Jenny are new office Secretaries to New Ulm High School this year. They are full of excitement to be here and help others. 

Jodi Goff, our first secretary, is from Waterville. She was married into the New Ulm community and had two kids. Before she was working at the New Ulm High School, she was at Jefferson also as a secretary. Our second secretary is Jenny Kral. She was born and raised in New Ulm and also has two kids. Before working at New Ulm High School, she was working at the Southern Minnesota Orthodontics.

We decided to take a little trip down to the office to see the friendly new faces and conduct a short interview. We asked how they like New Ulm High school so far, and Jodi said, “We love it! All the staff and students are wonderful!” and Jenny agreed. 

We also asked what their favorite part was about their job and the year so far. Jenny said, “My favorite part so far is just seeing the variety of kids and working with them all.” Jodi said, “Student interaction.” 

We asked them what their least favorite part of their job was, and they immediately said, “Writing kids detention.” They want kids to know that they are just doing their job. Jodi and Jenny don’t like writing out detentions, but that is their job. 

A typical question we students get asked throughout the year is, “What are you looking forward to this year?” so we decided to ask the secretaries. They both said, “Homecoming week!” They are beyond excited to see all the dress-up days and see how students go all out even at sporting events. 

Lastly, we asked them if they have to work outside of the school, and they both said no. They don’t have to work any of the sporting events or do extra work for their job. They just come to school in the morning, work a full day of writing passes and answering calls, and then go home and they are done for the day. 

The new secretaries here at New Ulm High School are glad to be part of the Eagle family. They can’t wait to see what this year has in store for them, along with all the students.