New Ulm student fans stand above the squadron because there is no longer anymore seats. (Gracie Linbo )
New Ulm student fans stand above the squadron because there is no longer anymore seats.

Gracie Linbo

Snuggled up at section finals

New Ulm fans are forced to cozy up close due to the over whelming support at boys hockey section finals.

April 2, 2023

Usually, showing up an hour and a half early to a boy’s hockey game would be plenty of time to secure the perfect spot in the squadron. However, at the boys’ section final hockey game, this rule of thumb did not apply, and those who left a little too late were left wondering where they were going to sit.

The boy’s hockey section finals were held at Gustavus’s Lund arena. The seating in this arena is limited, so when around 150 students from New Ulm, Cathedral, and Sleepy Eye arrived, the New Ulm supporting side soon became overflowed by students hoping to watch New Ulm punch in their ticket to the ‘X’.

Students are seen packed into a small space at the boy’s hockey section final game.

“Everyone move up a row! Freshman go sit by the band,” senior Jared Beranek said. The Eagles student section was jam-packed an hour before game time, so when late seniors arrived, underclassmen were instructed to move up. “I love having big student sections and support at the games, but it can get overwhelming when people don’t have anywhere to sit,” senior squadron leader Jared Beranek said. Many other seniors expressed the same opinion when forced to sit in the second or third row.

Due to the overwhelming amount of people packed into the New Ulm student section, there was no need to wear a jacket in the student section. “I feel like I’m cozied up next to the campfire on a nice summer night,” junior Brooklyn Hagberg said. Students found the ice arena somewhat warm due to the squished close conditions of the student section. “I feel like a s’more,” freshman Zoe Uhude said.

The close conditions at the game caused lots of spilled popcorn and trash in the hoods of other students. “Dude, when people put trash in my hood, it’s so annoying because half the time I can’t even feel it, and then when I get home at night and change out of my clothes, the trash finally comes out,” sophomore Mya Hornick said. Hopefully, the janitors of Gustavus weren’t left with too big a mess, and respectful New Ulm students picked up after themselves.

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