Outstanding Senior of the Week 02/27- Brandon Mehlhop

Brandon is a senior right wing varsity hockey player for the eagles. He is 6th in the state for assists with 41, and 15th in the state for points with 61. He has been a varsity player since his sophomore year. Brandon started hockey when he was 3 years old, he was born with the natural talent to play hockey, his dad played and he was interested in it. The game on Saturday night against Hutchinson was his last hockey game as a New Ulm eagle. Brandon will miss his time as a hockey player the most. Especially long bus rides to away games and practices with the teammates. To learn more about his hockey career and his time as an eagle reporter Mathias Amoah interviewed him last Tuesday after school.

 What are the things you do in your training that are key to your success?

“Practicing everyday 100%, doing every drill 100%, and going to the weight room, doing the little things.”

Whats your biggest challenge and how do you manage this challenge?

“The biggest challenge would be trying to get back to the state tournament again, and the way we’re going to manage that is working as a team and playing together.”

Where do you get your inspiration from?

“My parents and my coach, they are there to support me whenever I need it.”

Do you have any pre-game rituals?

“Before hockey games, I just put my headphones on and do my own thing. I go in an area where no ones around and do my own thing, tape my stick by myself. I just kind of do everything by myself.”

Brandon and the rest of the boys hockey team played their last game on Saturday at home against Hutchinson, final score was 1-2 with New Ulm coming out with a loss.