Physics of the Water Bottle Flip


To some the water bottle flip is annoying, fun, entertaining, and for some just another thing. But we can all agree that it takes some skill, with a little bit of luck, to land a successful bottle flip. Many variables come into effect when attempting the water bottle flip. The biggest is center of gravity. How much water is in the bottle, and what is the bottle made of. Second, how much angular momentum is being influenced on the bottle. Third is the most important, how much momentum is being applied after it is out of your hand. If you tie everything together, you should should be able to get the flip just about every time, maybe even “capping” it.

Some useful tips on the water bottle flip:

1. Fill the bottle 1/3 of the way with water. The more water equals higher center of gravity, thus making it harder to flip.

2. Have a bottle that is not damaged on the bottom. If it is not damaged, you’ll have a better chance of landing the flip.

3. If you’re attempting the “cap”, use a flat cap. Some caps are a little domed, making it even more impossible than it already is.

4. Practice. The only way you’re going to get the flip is to keep trying. Don’t do it too much otherwise you might annoy some people you wouldn’t want to.