Vending Machine


A new class titled Applied Math was assigned a project this semester. This project includes running a vending machine business. Applied Math is taught to only juniors and seniors. This particular class informs students of everyday math skills and everyday life. Mr. Wilson is the teacher of this class. The students in the class will be learning math skills by operating a small business. One of the vending machines in our school is representing the business. Students learn about percentages, different things having to do with buying and selling products, and making a profit. The students have to record inventory and maintain the machines. By keeping track of all the sales and percentages of the product, the students are also required to fill out a spreadsheet showing data and records of the progress throughout the school year. Mr. Wilson’s main hope with the vending machine is to provide application of math skills. It is his hope that students will achieve their highest potential by piquing their interest from real life experiences.