Mrs. Frank’s first semester at NUHS

As NUHS rolls into the second semester, we caught up with Mrs. Frank, the new counselor to talk about her first semester experience.

February 8, 2018

Mrs. Frank has been at NUHS for only a semester. After coming from two other schools as being a counselor, she knows what students want and like at the school. The students enjoy seeing her every day and talking to her about what is going on. Mrs. Frank enjoys being a school counselor because she likes helping others and enjoys the atmosphere of the high school. We went into her office to ask a few questions about her experience so far as the new counselor at NUHS.

MRS. FRANK’S OFFICE Her office is filled with sticky notes and things to keep herself occupied during the day

We asked Mrs. Frank how she liked the school so far, “I love it, the feeling of being here is really positive, both students and staff, and my parent interactions have been really great.” She also added, “The building is great, you can’t beat it.”

We also asked her to compare NUHS to her other schools. “I love the collaboration and easy access.” At the other counseling jobs she had, she was her own island away from everything that was going on at the schools. She said, “I did a lot of stuff, but it was all by myself.” Here, she gets to collaborate with Mr. Ziemer and Mr. Bergmann easier than before. Her office is close to everything that is happening, and she really enjoys that.

We asked her a question regarding changes to the school. Mrs. Frank replied with, “I would have the school even bigger because our enrollment is growing because we have a great school.” She added, “That even though it is a new high school, there is always room for more classrooms and more space for learning.”

We caught up with a student at NUHS to give us her input on Mrs. Frank. We interviewed Taylor Forstner to ask her a few questions about Mrs. Frank. The first question we asked Taylor is what she thinks about Mrs. Frank at school. She said, “Mrs. Frank is very nice – she is always walking around the school talking to students when she can.” She also added, “I really like how much she appreciates student council so much.”

We also ask Taylor about how Mrs. Frank has helped her this school year. “When I went in to change my schedule, Mrs. Frank was very helpful and showed me all my options I had.” We also asked Taylor if there is anything Mrs. Frank could do to be a better counselor. Taylor said, “I think she has done a great job first semester as a counselor at NUHS and right now I think she is doing everything right.”




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