Maxing and chillaxing while Tom taught the other students basic tips about the simulation.
The Event of a Lifetime! JA Titan and What it Can Do for You
January 3, 2018

Students scoping out the place, letting themselves get used to the game before their eyes.

Tanner Stark (Left), Dylan Nelson (Middle), Nathan Gartner (Right), working as a team to try and beat the others for a scholarship.
JA Titan – sounds weird saying it, right? I mean, you hear some students talk about it here and there, but nothing more than those little snippets of conversation. This is JA Titan, and what it can do for you.
JA Titan, what is it? JA Titan is an online business simulation where you sell products in a race against other businesses and players. The top three teams get scholarships to any college of their choosing and they are eligible to go to the State championship held in April every year. The game’s algorithm changes constantly, presenting new challenges for its players to overcome. This can include a drop in prices due to the stock market falling, or a drop in sales from another business stealing its fire. The simulation is driven by common sense and little business knowledge. Knowing the basic fundamentals of a business can help you and your team go a long way in the competition.
This event may only go on two times a year, but that doesn’t mean you can not play any other time. You can find people who would like to be moderators or play the practice game to better your skills for the contest.
Don’t worry though, if you want to go to this event all you have to do is ask Mrs. Ruch in the business department and sign up for the event in the second semester. You don’t have to work as a team; if there are not enough teams that are needed, you can solo the activity as well. Sometimes those that go solo for the competition are the ones who win because of their intense focus level.
Some of the students who attended the event were very enthusiastic about it, such as Dylan Nelson, a senior at New Ulm High School, who said; “I think the event is a good way to let students see what it’s like to start and run a business and keep the data on track to be successful against other businesses. It is also quite professional.” This is very true since it shows the students how to open and run a business, which could help them in the future if they want to run a business.
Remember, this event could possibly help plan your life after high school, maybe even giving you a scholarship to a school of your choosing for any class as well. Be sure to make the right decision – who knows, it could result in free college.