Daneysa Flores

Estafania Montolvo and Daisy Hennrichs taking a break from dancing at the NUHS semi formal.

Semi formal opinions

How are students feeling about this years first ever semi-formal?

Student Council decided to hold the first-ever semi-formal and the students were really into the dance and having a great time. During past dances at New Ulm High School, students rarely dressed up but during this dance, all students were dressed up and looked lovely. The dance was held in the commons at New Ulm High School on Friday, March 10. The dance went from 9 pm to 12 am. Mostly all students who arrived at the start of the dance stay until the very end!

“I felt like they should’ve had more food or some activities to do, but I do hope we have another formal next year,” Estafania Montalvo said. Montalvo is a Junior at New Ulm High School and hopes to have another amazing formal for her senior year.

Montalvo’s opinion on this year’s first ever-formal is very important for the student council to know. Next school year it can only go up instead of down because of the opinions on this year’s dance.

“I wasn’t really excited about the dance because I thought it would be boring but after a few minutes of coming to the dance I got really into it,” said Maddie Eichstadt. “I enjoyed the slow songs that I could dance to with my boyfriend but wish they played

A group of friends taking a picture to have the memory of the school dance. (Daneysa Flores)

more.” Eichstadt is a freshman at New Ulm High School and goes to as many school events as she can and also has a great time.

Students at New Ulm High School are very picky when it comes to the DJ. The school has to change up the DJ for almost every school event that is having one. The students should have a great time so if the student council hears from students that they didn’t like the DJ they change it up. The one from the semi-formal was well-liked and students danced all the way through the night. “I love how the DJ would dance with us the whole time and had conversations with us,” said Eichstadt.

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