Ms.Filzen giving blood at the local blood drive at the New Ulm Highschool. (Bryn Nesvold)
Ms.Filzen giving blood at the local blood drive at the New Ulm Highschool.

Bryn Nesvold

Giving blood and saving lives

The New Ulm High School FFA host the local blood drive

March 21, 2023

A, B, AB, O…. it might look like the start of the alphabet, but it’s actually how people save lives.

No matter the blood type, the local blood drive at the New Ulm High School accepted all people in the school and community to help stock up their blood supply. The New Ulm FFA has been hosting the blood drive for the past 15-20 years, helping people get signed in, getting them the information needed, and setting out snacks and refreshments when they are all done.

“I can’t believe I can save three people with my blood, I thought it was just one person, but three people is amazing!” said Ms.Filzen after being told that the blood can be split between the plasma, platelets, and red blood cells to ultimately save up to three people in need. Filzen said she hasn’t given blood in about twenty years because she was always nervous to teach after giving blood, but that did not stop her this year and she was delighted.

The Superintendent and his daughter after giving blood at the blood drive. (Bryn Nesvold)

The gymnasium was full of students, teachers, and community members along with the superintendent, Jeff Bertrang, and his daughter Laura Bertrang giving blood together at the same time. They have both given blood multiple times and were happy that the school was hosting such an amazing event.

Ms.Brandt, one of the FFA advisors, said the breakdown of the blood drive was 1/3 students and about 2/3 community coming in to donate. “Next year we hope to have a blood drive that is fully filled by students so we hope that people will sign up to donate and save lives next year,” she said.

This event was successful with over 70 units of blood collected, higher than the organization’s goal, allowing the FFA to give out a $500 scholarship to a senior this year who helped plan this event.

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