The front of the Happy Joe’s building

NUHS delivery, sort of

100% of the Happy Joe's delivery drivers are NUHS students

happy joe kitchen

A rusty Buick quickly drives across New Ulm. The driver is on a mission and won’t be stopped, not with rain or wind or snow. Finally he arrives at a house, walks to the door and delivers the package – and is given a crisp $5 bill for his troubles.

This is just one of many deliveries for Deegan Tauer and the rest of the Happy Joe’s delivery drivers who at the time of this article are made up 100% of NUHS students. Both juniors and seniors who have driver’s licenses and are willing to work weekends are hired almost immediately by owner Nick Fruhwirth.

Although the starting wage is a measly $1o an hour, with tips top drivers can earn around $35 an hour and the drivers are supplied with one of four company cars so they don’t need to put miles on their own vehicles like other fast food delivery places in New Ulm. And as an added bonus, when working drivers are given free fountain drinks and snacks including cookie dough.

It’s not all driving though, senior driver Sam Moline said. “We have to prep tomatoes, green peppers and taco sauce for the taco pizza.” Drivers also help maintain the general cleanliness of the building and fill the cars with gas when they are low.

Averaging  $22.50 as the top driver, this well-paying job is a solid form of fast and easy money for juniors and seniors of New Ulm High School.




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