Sophomore Sirius Black getting ready to weld on dumpsters. (Seth Hoffmann)
Sophomore Sirius Black getting ready to weld on dumpsters.

Seth Hoffmann

Diving into dumpsters at the CTE center

Dumpsters being made from our own CTE center? Not quite but...

November 21, 2022

Recently RVS has brought in some unfinished dumpsters at the CTE center. The advanced welding class is practicing their welding skills and techniques on the dumpsters.

CTE Dumpsters
CTE students taking a short break from welding on dumpsters. (Seth Hoffmann)

Awkward welding angles, hot metal, and confined spaces are some of the challenges the students are facing. Students were familiar with welding on pieces of pre-cut metal (coupons) or projects that they’ve brought in, but the dumpsters are proving to be a little bit of a task.

“It is teaching them new things rather than welding on coupons,” Advanced Welding instructor Mr. Johnson said.

Last year at the CTE center, dumpsters were being repaired but this year is different because the students are welding more.

The molten pool of hot metal can reach up to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit, and that high temperature can make the welding environment inside the dumpster very hot. “It’s really hot inside there and it is hard to concentrate on the arc,” Sirius Black said.

The students are trying to match the qualities of the finished RVS dumpster. After a fresh coat of blue paint and a lid, the dumpsters will be out in the community ready to be used.







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