Jacob standing next to his truck and trailer used to haul scrap metal. (Ben Hubbard)
Jacob standing next to his truck and trailer used to haul scrap metal.

Ben Hubbard

Jacob’s Scrap Metal Removal

You got metal you don't want? Give Jacob a call - he'll hook you up!

May 12, 2022

Jacob Vogel, a New Ulm high school student, owns his own business, Jacob’s Scrap Metal Removal. Jacob started this business when one of his friends was scraping a car. “I noticed how much money he accumulated, and I thought I could do that,” Jacob said. Jacob would later pay $100-$400 per car based on condition. Free pick-up included. If the vehicle was in decent condition and parts were still usable, Jacob would take these parts to use on his car or a friend’s car. As everything has been affected by the Covid pandemic, so has scrap metal, “Yes, scrap metal has been affected by covid. Last summer, prices were $100-200, $140 this winter, and back to $190 now. Prices might drop back to $140 soon,” Jacob said.

The most Jacob was able to sell at one time was 4 tons of unprepared steel.

Jacob created his business cards through Vista Print. Vista Print helps small business owners like Jacob design custom-made marketing, like his business cards. These business cards helped make the connections Jacob needed. Beltz appliance is one of these connections made through his business cards. Jacob also used these connections to help out the New Ulm school booster club by selling 220 bags of softener salt for the New Ulm Track&Field team.

Jacob’s business card. (Ben Hubbard)

Jacob is always looking for new ways to improve his business, like an enclosure on his trailer. Jacob made this encloser to easily load and unload things like dishwashers and dryers, which he can load 28 at a time, at around 100 pounds apiece. Completly cut and welded by himself using tools from the CTE center. Jacob’s plans for the future include continuing scrap metal for the summer. Then Jacob plans to stop scraping metal and go to South Central College for welding. “I would go into the fabricating industry,” Jacob said.  Jacob also plans on selling his contacts and trailer for $10,000 or 15,000 for his Contacts, trailer and truck included.

Jacob’s enclosure around his trailer, fabricated by himself. (Ben Hubbard)
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