Senior Marissa Todesco smiling because she got her essay questions done before class.

¡MLC español es fantástico!

MLC's Intermediate Spanish 2 class makes learning fun

At the top of a seemingly endless staircase lies MLC’s Intermediate Spanish 2 class; an eclectic, bright orange room with parrots, flags, and palm trees lining the walls. Intermediate Spanish 2 is a semester-long, three-credit course taught by professor Paul Bases at MLC and offered to NUHS students who have completed Spanish 3 and strive for Spanish fluency.

Mrs. Gunderson teaches Spanish 2 and 3 at NUHS and believes taking Spanish through MLC is a great opportunity for advanced language acquisition.  “In order to dedicate the time and energy needed to acquire a world language, it is important to be passionate,” Gunderson said. Therefore, Professor Bases at MLC is the perfect candidate for helping students progress their Spanish skills. Professor Bases is extremely inviting, lively and shares his passion for Spanish with his students.

Every week, Intermediate Spanish 2 students have various readings, discussions, and short essay questions to answer in preparation for a film they will eventually watch about the topic at hand. Examples of such topics include comparing the colonial histories of South American countries, migrant work, and, most recently, the journey of immigration into the United States. All of the students look forward to sitting back and watching a movie surrounding the material they have learned after a long week of work. On this particular Friday, the class watched a movie about a Puerto Rican immigrant pursuing her dreams of becoming an actress in New York.

Professor Bases’ classroom is a positive environment that fosters creativity and learning. Senior at NUHS Marissa Todesco is currently taking Intermediate Spanish 2 at MLC and highly recommends the class to anyone interested. “This class has been a great way to advance my proficiency,” Todesco said. If you are debating taking a fourth year of Spanish, MLC is a great option!

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