Students Dylan Sickles and Luke Steffensmeier volley in badminton (Evan Griebel)
Students Dylan Sickles and Luke Steffensmeier volley in badminton

Evan Griebel

Badminton: a game of finesse

November 29, 2021

The advanced physical education class at the New Ulm High School is working on their finesse with badminton. Badminton is a game with a shuttlecock and is played back and forth across a net. This class gets students moving by playing many games including volleyball, pickleball, and badminton.

The teacher of the class Mrs. Schotzko said, “It’s fun to watch students improve and to use strategy and finesse to win points.” In this class, there are warmups, weight lifting, and gym games played each day. The warmups are dynamic stretching which gets students prepared for the day. Weightlifting is a semester-long process where students test their limits each day. The gym games that are played test the player’s abilities.

A veteran student of the class, Luke Steffensmeier, said, “I love the way this class challenges me every day and I am able to be active and have fun playing the games.” Steffensmeier is a second-year student in the class and when asked about this he said, “I enjoyed this class so much because I get to play athletic and skill games with friends every day.”

Advanced physical education is a class at the New Ulm High School which has been offered for many years and is available both semesters. Many students have enjoyed this class including playing badminton in it where they get to practice their quickness and finesse.

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