New Ulm cheerleaders teach their 3rd-5th grade eaglets how to spirit after cheers! (Emily Sowers)
New Ulm cheerleaders teach their 3rd-5th grade eaglets how to spirit after cheers!

Emily Sowers

New Ulm Eaglets cheer with the team!

September 14, 2021

The NUHS cheer team weren’t the only ones cheering for the success of the football teams’ first home game this last Sept. 11th. The cheerleaders held a cheer camp for 3rd-5th graders the morning of the game and were then accompanied by them on the field that night! “This was the first time we’ve ever done this cheer camp,” says cheer coach April Lewandowski, “I thought it was amazing! From the little cheerleaders to the big cheerleaders, both groups were amazing.” The eaglets also performed a dance to the song “Who Says” by Selena Gomez on the field during halftime for their parents to watch.

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