Collin Horning’s shoe and accessory collection
Collin Horning’s shoe and accessory collection

Collin Horning: Young Entrepreneur

Collin Horning, a sophomore at New Ulm High School, buys and sells high demand sneakers, clothing and other accessories for profit

March 21, 2021

At New Ulm High School, many students earn their money by working part-time jobs after school and on the weekends. But some students such as Collin Horning have found ways to make money through their own self-employment. Collin buys high-end sneakers for retail on popular websites such as “Nike Snkrs”, “Supreme”, “Finish Line” and “Yeezy Supply” and then sells them to students and people around the world for a higher market value price. Collin does not only sell sneakers, he has also managed to secure 8 PS5’s this year and sold them all for 400$ profit each!

Trying to purchase these items at a low price can not always be easy. Collin said, “Buying these items can be very difficult because there are many other people who want these high-demand fashion and electronic products.” There have been periods of time when Collin has gone without any profit. Collin also said, “The longest I have ever gone without any profit due to not being able to secure a high demand product has been a month. But the second I receive a high-demand product, I either post it on my Instagram page, where people everywhere can see my products and purchase them, or I sell it to New Ulm High School Students or other citizens of New Ulm.”

Sometimes, due to high traffic on these popular sites, Collin has to use an online checkout bot to make his purchases faster than light. Collin said, “I essentially use a robot that finds the product I want, auto-fills my information such as payment, address, and name, then checks out the product I want faster than any human can”.

While Collin has been doing this business, there have been questions from many people if this is even legal. “This is completely legal as long as I comply with the government by being taxed. I have been questioned by my bank on why I am purchasing large amounts of products for a high value of the price. But in the end, selling it for how much I want is completely legal because it’s simple supply and demand,” he said.

Collin also plans to take a few business classes later in his high school career to gain more knowledge and help his business grow even bigger. He has thought about taking economic classes and accounting classes to extend his knowledge in the business world.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Collin’s business and how he sells these products for a living, you can find him on his “Icedlaces” Instagram. On his Instagram, he has done over 50 deals and has information about all the deals he has done with students at NUHS as well.

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